Czym jest TicketingHub?
TicketingHub is your go-to reservation software for attractions, zoos, aquariums, and activities! It's growing fast and works seamlessly with PayPal, making your life easier.
With TicketingHub, you have the power of a booking platform right at your fingertips. Our customizable widgets and robust POS system can create an attractive booking engine for your website in minutes.
Whether people purchase tickets at your front desk or through online travel agents like Viator, GetYourGuide, or TXGB, TicketingHub keeps track of everything. It all works together beautifully, so you never have to worry about forgetting anything!
Co to jest Paypal?
PayPal to bramka płatności online, która pozwala osobom prywatnym i firmom bezpiecznie płacić lub przekazywać pieniądze. Integracja PayPal z oprogramowaniem TicketingHub do rezerwacji w chmurze sprawia, że bezpieczne i łatwiejsze dla klientów do dokonywania płatności w podróży bez konieczności korzystania z karty kredytowej, zamiast tego mogą zalogować się na swoje konto PayPal, aby zapłacić.
Można to zrobić poprzez wybranie opcji PayPal przy kasie.
Why Connect TicketingHub to PayPal?
TicketingHub never handles money for clients. Instead, we connect you to your favorite payment gateway like Stripe, PayPal, WorldPay, or Adyen (via Spreedly).
- Easy Payments: Make it simple for customers to pay.
- Safe & Secure: PayPal is a trusted payment gateway.
- No Credit Cards Needed: Customers can pay without using their credit cards.
- Global Reach: PayPal is available worldwide.
Quick and Easy Setup
Connect to PayPal in just one click! Go to your account settings page on TicketingHub, select integrations, then click activate PayPal, and you're all set.
Seamless Experience with Spreedly
By using the Spreedly integration, you can bypass the Pay with PayPal button and accept credit cards directly within the TicketingHub widget. This provides a smoother experience for your customers.